Friday, November 29, 2013

Putting in the Time

There are also rep-grind pets. And some of these are ah-mazing. Pengu might be the cutest pet in the history of the game. All it takes is becoming exulted with some Walruses...err... The Kalu'ak. A hilarious race of walrus-like fishermen who are one of those fringe groups of characters who are affected by all the chaos we seem to be creating around them, but who don't pose a threat to us so maybe don't need our attention.

Another group that offers exclusive pets is The Oracles who upon reaching revered with will let you buy one Mysterious Egg at a time which has the chance to hatch into several pets after a three day cool-down.

I personally decided to follow the Kalu'ak quest chain before I found out about the pet. Now that I know about Pengu, my hearthstone is set to a tiny tiny hut by the icy waters of Dragonblight. Sorry there's not a screenshot of the little guy, but I'm still approximately six days away from getting there. In plenty of time for the Holidays.

This pet is tradable, which means only I have to do the grinding, and I can give the cutest pet ever to anyone I want to. Plus, you can use the Armory to check and see who a person is exalted with. If they're not exalted with the specific faction you're grinding for, chances are they don't have that pet yet.

Seriously though, who wouldn't want to do these dailies?

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